Monday, April 13, 2015

State of the 'Stache: Five Months Later...

I've been pretty busy with a new job and our recent adventure into Steampunk (more about that later). The beard and moustache are coming along.

The 'stache requires quite a quantity of wax. I've settled on the dark version of Firehouse wax. The middle of the road as it were.

Switched from my barber to our friend who styles my wife's hair. She has more experience with long hair. Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm growing my hair long enough to queue and club. I'd like to venture into 18th century reenacting. In a kilt of course.

Well, here's the current look. The photo was taken at the second annual Gears, Beards, and Beers a Steampunk themed Beard & Moustache Competition hosted by Capital Steam and the Jackson Beard & Moustache Club (more about that later). On my left is my sister Lori and on my right is my wife Stacey.

I made the double breasted jacket from a modified McCall's Men's Civil War Costumes pattern M4745. I'll post construction instructions later.